How do I navigate the Purchasing Module?

How do I navigate the Purchasing Module?


The Purchasing section of Yellow Dog Inventory enables users to handle every aspect of the “Purchasing Flow.”

Each purchasing screen has filters at the top. The main filters are for Store, Vendor, Status, Committed Date Ranges and the Search feature.

To search all purchasing documents that contain a single item simply use the check box to “Include Items in Search”. Searchable fields include an item’s description, SKU, vendor SKU and style no.



Users can click on the Green Check Mark to select all statuses or click on the Red X to deselect all and choose the type of status(es) they want to view.

Purchasing Documents

The document types you use will depend on how you purchase items for your location. All of the Purchasing components work similarly with a few variations. Because the functionality of these components is similar, the following section will give a basic rundown of how to navigate through them before adding section specific details and instructions.


Creating a New Document

  • Navigate to the section based on the document you would like to create.
  • Hit Create New… (The example below uses the Request page).

Add Items

You have several options for adding items to your document.

The most common option is “Add Line Items”. Clicking on this brings up the Item Lookup. From this screen, you can use the top filters and the Select column to add items.

You can also add items though the “Add Items From…” button. This brings up a list of options that will let you “import” items automatically.


  • Flags allow you to bring in items that are flagged together. For example, if you need to reorder almost everything in your Produce Walk-In, it may be easier to add the entire flag, and remove what you don’t need to order, than it would be to add items one by one.
  • Par Levels are great for reordering product. See the Stores tab section for more information on setting par levels and reorder points. Once you select this, you will have the option to choose items at or below the reorder point. It will then bring up those items and you can choose to add all or pick and choose which items to add.
  • Adding items based on Sales, Transfers and Adjustments will replenish any product that has left the store during the time period you specify.
  • Add Items based on Sales replenishes product based only on Sales. Again, just choose the date ranges you want to use. Most clients who use this feature choose the last time they ordered as the early date.
  • Count Sheets allow you to add items from selected count sheets.
  • GoFetch is the handheld scanner software that pre-dates ydiMobile. All clients on Yellow Dog Inventory version 345 or later will be given ydiMobile. If you have questions about GoFetch, contact your implementation guide or the Support department.
  • Add by Physical Inventory can be used by locations that don’t have specific sales and aren’t willing or able to set par levels. For example, if a restaurant does a flat price for a liquor package (and thus can’t deduct specific drinks), they can do a physical at the end of the night to reorder.
  • Sessions are created using Yellow Dog handheld software, mobile app, or manually in the client itself. For more information on ydiMobile, please see the section on Sessions.
  • Yellow Dog Inventory can also import Excel, CSV or text files. To do this, there must be something Yellow Dog Inventory can match to, whether it’s the Yellow Dog SKU, Vendor SKU or the UPC in Yellow Dog. Clients without Yellow Dog mobile software can sometimes use this function to import counts from their existing scanner.
  • The next option is through Item Lists. While you can filter “Add Items” by vendor, a lot of clients use item lists to create order guides for vendors from which they regularly buy only a small percentage of the items the vendor offers.
  • In some instances you will have the option of bringing in items that have been REQUESTED but not yet ORDERED this is when the system recognizes requested items that have not been added to a purchase order as of yet.

Other Functions & Features

  • Remove Line Item – removes the selected item.
  • Edit Item – opens the Item Editor for the selected item.
  • Replace Item – removes the selected item and opens the Item Lookup screen. The new item keeps the previous cost, notes and On Hand.
  • Split Line – this can be used for items that you pay two different costs for (promos such as buy 11 bottles of vodka at full price and get the 12th free) or product you can purchase and return in the same invoice, such as keg deposits.
  • Renumber Lines – allows you to change the order of the items on the document. Sort the document how you want by clicking on the top of the columns, then use Renumber Lines to change the “Line Number” to the correct order.
  • Round Quantities – This button will allow you to round all quantities in a purchasing document to your choice of partial or whole number. It is especially useful when using Par/Reorder points that might calculate your quantities as partial cases.
  • Remove Zero Qty Lines – allows you to remove all 0 Qty lines at once instead of manually removing line by line.
  • No Related Documents/Open Related Documents – these allow you to quickly see and explore documents related to the one you’re working in, e.g. the PO that became the invoice you’re bringing in, or the transfer of the partially received product. “No Related Docs” only changes to “Open Related” once there are related documents to open.
  • Receipt Detail Report – a new feature that will allow you to run a receipt detail report on purchasing documents to easily determine what has or hasn’t been received it.
  • PO-Rec-Inv Report – another new feature that will allow you to immediately run a report detailing the purchasing flow from PO to Receipt to Invoice.

Document Information

The top of each document type has general, as well as document specific, fields that allow you to add important information.

The general fields are:

  • Reference – Frequently used for internal PO numbers, vendor invoice numbers, etc.
  • Description – Can be used for more detailed information (event name for a catering order, holiday weekend stock up, etc.).
  • Instructions – These can be for the vendor or the receiver (for example, “6 empty kegs to be picked up, double check bottle count”).
  • Notes – This field is useful for jotting down even more detailed information than the Description or Instructions fields.

Other Purchasing Notes

  • As with any other screen in Yellow Dog, the fields that are gold can be typed in directly. This is helpful for changing vendor and retail prices as well as descriptions.
  • The Notes field on each line can be used to check off the item as you go through an invoice or packing slip, inform the requester why they’re not getting a full count they asked for, etc.
  • If you have issues with vendors charging to a fraction of a cent for a single item, use the Extended Vendor Price (available under the “choose columns” blue hyperlink) to enter in the total cost and the system will round. While Yellow Dog Inventory only shows two decimal places by default, it does calculations based on the true number.
    • Note: To change the default decimal place calculations, you’ll need to change the Windows Regional settings for currency and numbers.
  • If you would like to leave the document open and come back to it later to add additional items, just select Save and Close. Keep in mind that the document will not be convertible, nor will On Order or On Hand counts change, until it is committed.
  • If there is an order you repeat on a regular basis, use “Create New (Doc) Based on…” to copy it, much like you would an item.
  • You can attach both Files and Links to a purchasing document by clicking on the corresponding button at the bottom of the editor. This allows for keeping any scanned copies or URLs of orders tied to the purchasing document in Yellow Dog.

Importing Prices from Excel, CSV or Text File 

Prices can be imported in either Purchase Orders or Invoices.

After Creating a New Purchase Order, choose Add Items From and choose “Add Items from an Excel or CSV or Text File”.

You can only import prices for items that already exist in the system and the SKU or UPC is required in order to match items.

All Editors

There are now Warehouse On Hand and Warehouse On Order columns available for every purchasing editor. These use the Warehouse store as designated in the Store editor.


If you routinely add items from lists, there is now button that allows you to remove zero quantity lines from your purchasing document after you’ve entered quantities for all the items you want to include.



You can now import Vendor Price in Purchase Orders, Receipts, Invoices, and Return to Vendors. Use the Add Items From option for Excel, CSV, or text file. Make sure that you have a column in your file for an item identifier, such as SKU, Vendor SKU, or UPC and another column for the vendor price. You can also import the quantities for the items at the same time.


When changing prices manually in purchasing editors, there is a new Cancel button in the Select Option popup that you can use if you decide you do not want to save the new vendor price you just entered. 



In the Invoice editor, we’ve added new Last Vendor Price and Percentage Change columns for quick visibility in the editor when you’re changing prices.



Set the new Expected Date field in Purchase Orders and Transfers; you can view this date in the document list.



If your site distributes expenses by level, this will have to be set per invoice.

In v367, we added more related document data fields to our Purchasing templates. Add related Invoices to Purchase Orders, related Requests to Transfers, and more.

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