Tips & Tricks
Can I use the USB scanner to add items to a purchasing document?
Yes! The Unitech USB scanner sold in the Yellow Dog webstore can be used to add items to any purchasing document. Additionally, items scanned into Recipes, ...
Tips & Tricks: Does Yellow Dog offer remote end user training?
Issue: Does Yellow Dog provide end user training to clients? Tip: Yes we do! Every client with a current support contract can schedule up to two hours a month. Trainings are scheduled in 30 minute sessions; users can schedule up to two back to back. ...
Tips & Tricks : How to remove items from the Point of Sale
Issue: I need to remove items from the Point of Sale, but I want to make sure I don’t negatively impact the integration between Yellow Dog and the point of sale. Tip: Turn publish off! Yellow Dog integrates with many points of sale, but this one step ...
Tips & Tricks: What actions can I perform via Right-Click?
Within Yellow Dog there are several actions that can be performed via right-click. Some views have different options that are appropriate for that view. Views and Right-Click options are dictated by permissions, if you cannot see a view or ...
Tips & Tricks: How do I update interfaces?
Interfaces are how Yellow Dog controls item behavior in the Point of Sale, and these settings are highly customizable. This article will provide some general guidance for updating these settings. For additional assistance regarding your point of sale ...
How do I unset the SLU of an item?
Issue: I have set a SLU (Screen Lookup) for an item, and now would like to have that item no longer appear on any screen. Solution: Once a SLU has been assigned to an item, rather than changing it to (not set) you will want to update it 0(none) to ...
Tips & Tricks: What settings needed to have my Items to update in Shopify?
In Version 370 of Yellow Dog updates were made to the Shopify Integration. In conjunction to these changes, there have been updates as to how Shopify items are configured in Yellow Dog. Please find the updated configuration requirements below: ...
Tips & Tricks: How do I update a large number of items at once?
Issue: Need to update the level/Vendor/Store assignment etc. of many items at once. Trick: This can be done via one of the many Right-Click Functions. Tip: Right-Click functions are dictated by permissions. If you cannot see the option, you are ...
Tips & Tricks: How do I resolve Waiting for Other Process when syncing my handheld?
Issue: Sync with handheld or Sync with Count Apps is stuck Waiting for Other Process, and I can’t run my sync. Trick: Disable the queue for that application, so your sync doesn’t have to wait in line! Tip: Your IT will most likely have to assist ...
Tips & Tricks: Can I create a PO from the Inventory Items Screen?
Tip: By highlighting multiple items at once from the Inventory Items screen, and right clicking on the selected section, you can perform a wide variety of updates to a group items. Trick: 1. Select multiple items by the same vendor by holding down ...
Tips & Tricks: Can I Copy an Item or Purchasing Document?
Need to create an identical or similar purchasing document or inventory item? Tip: Use the "Create New Based On" feature. Trick: Locate the item or document you wish to replicate, then Click "Create new based on..."
Tips & Tricks: How do I find out what version of Yellow Dog I am on?
Once you are logged into Yellow Dog the version will be displayed in the bottom right corner.
Tips & Tricks: How do I trigger an Item?
Are you having trouble with new inventory items or changes not being sent to the Point of Sale (POS) ? Tip: Trigger the item Re-Sync to the POS. This will flag the item to be sent to the POS during its next scheduled sync. Trick: From the ...
Tips & Tricks: How to set additional decimal points in Yellow Dog
To change the number of decimal points used by Yellow Dog Inventory when showing currency, change this setting: Control Panel - > Regional and Language Options - > Additional Settings... - > Currency tab - > No. of digits after decimal drop down. ...
Tips & Tricks: How To Search for an item by UPC in Yellow Dog Inventory
Trying to locate an item by it's UPC in Yellow Dog Inventory? Tip: To locate an item by it's UPC, use the "SKU, Vendor SKU, and UPCs" view.
Tips & Tricks: Selecting/Updating Multiple items at once using Ctrl
Tip: Did you know Short Cut Keyboard controls work in Yellow Dog?! Trick: Hold Down Ctrl or Shift to select multiple items at once. Then Right Click for different edit options. The change you select will be applied to all items selected.
Tips & Tricks: Searching for Multiple items at once
Not sure what the item description might be? Need to search for multiple items? Tip: Type in the search bar Item #1 "OR" Item #2. Items that fit the search field will be fetched!
Tips & Tricks: Switching to the next item within the Item Editor
Want to save time when editing purchasing documents or inventory items? Tip: Use the Forward and Back button in the lower left hand corner to switch to the next document in line.