Best Practices for adding new Stores & Levels
This document should be followed for all new stores or levels that are added to Yellow Dog. Following these steps will ensure that all new items created have the correct Inventory Account/GL Code configured. Note: Updating an items status to ...
What is the Re-Assign Sales feature and how do I configure it?
Re-Assign Sales - similar to Auto Transfer gives users the ability to have sales from one location, moved to appear under a secondary location. An example use case of this could be a primary location with a satellite kiosk location. While the kiosk ...
What is Auto Zero and how do I configure it?
Auto-Zero gives users the ability to have items with on-hand values that are not tracked while not losing the ability to track costs of those items. An example use case of this could be employee uniforms – while an organization may not be concerned ...
What is Auto Transfer and how do I configure it?
Auto-Transfer give users the ability to have on hands pull from a primary location to a secondary satellite location. An example use case for this would be a primary location that may also have supplemental kiosk locations. When this feature is ...
How do I add tax to Shopify Items?
Yellow Dog has two methods of updating items in Shopify: The item gets created in Yellow Dog and pushed over to Shopify. The item gets created in Yellow Dog and in Shopify and just the on hand is updated when the sync runs. If you are pushing ...
Can I sell items by weight?
Issue: You have deli items that are sold by weight and want the items on hand on to deduct appropriately when sold at the point of sale. An example would be Chicken Salad. Resolution: Use the Calculate Qty by Retail function. This configuration ...
How do I create Inventory Accounts(GL Codes) and assign them to items?
Creating inventory accounts and assigning them to items: **You will need permissions to access System Setup & Interfaces for this task. ** 1. 1. Navigate to Accounts under System Setup and select Inventory Accounts: 2. Select Create new ...
What are interfaces?
Interfaces Interfaces are how Yellow Dog Inventory controls item behavior in the point of sale. Each store you have access to will have its own interface section. Also, each integration you have will have its own columns, e.g. accounting, POS, etc. ...