What is POS Item Mapping?

What is POS Item Mapping?

Mapping Recipes

Mapping recipes is the process of linking a recipe created in Yellow Dog to a button created in the point of sale. When recipes are mapped, the ingredients will be deducted from inventory when sales are pulled into Yellow Dog. If users have modifiers or add- ons for their menu items, each modifier will typically also be made as a recipe and mapped to the modifier buttons in the POS. These recipes can be mapped to multiple buttons if needed – for example if there is an option to ‘Add Cheese’ in multiple places in the point-of-sale users can map the same recipe for a portion of cheese to each of the buttons for ‘Add Cheese’.

Depending on the point of sale, users may have to sell one of the item in order for it to be seen by Yellow Dog and available to be mapped to. For more information about your point of sale and whether items need to be sold prior to being mapped, reach out to your implementation guide, or support.

Mapping Recipes from within the Recipe Editor

  1. From within Yellow Dog navigate to Recipes under Item Management

  1.  Filter to the Recipe that needs to be mapped and double click to open the recipe editor, or highlight the recipe and select Edit Recipe on the right

  1. The recipe editor will open - navigate to the Yield/Use by tab on the left.                      

  1.  On the Yield/Use by tab navigate to the Linked to POS Items field and select the three black dots to the right to open the lookup screen and view the list of POS items available to map too.

  1. From the lookup screen, users can search for or scroll to the corresponding POS items that this recipe needs to be linked to. Users will check the box next to the POS item to map the recipe. As a reminder, recipes can be mapped to multiple POS items. This is particularly helpful if one recipe is available in multiple locations. Once the POS items have been checked, select OK in the bottom right

  1. Users will note the selected POS items now listed in the Link to POS Items field.

·                                 Note: For many POS systems, if a recipe is mapped within 7 days of the sale, the sale will automatically be reprocessed to reflect the attached recipe, and the ingredient items will be removed from inventory. For more information on how your POS handles sales please reach out to your Implementation Guide, or Support

Mapping Recipes from POS Item Map

  1.     From within Yellow Dog navigate to POS Item Map under Item Management

  1. At the top of the screen select the three black dots to the right of Stores to select the Store you will be mapping to. Users can map to multiple stores at once if they share POS items. If your organization only has one location, it will be selected by default. Also confirm that the Show Recipe column box is checked, and optionally, but not required the Show Ingredient Columns box is checked. Having the Ingredient columns displaying will alleviate confusion where recipes have similar names.

  1.        With a store selected the POS Items for that location will populate. Users should also confirm that Show Recipe Column check box is checked so they can see what has been mapped previously and what still needs to be mapped. 

POS Item Map Screen Overview

1.     Stores – will be the store(s) recipes are being mapped for

      2.     Additional Filter Options will be where users can include or exclude additional columns that will streamline the returned items.

3.     Search will be where users can search for a specific item or items that need to be mapped.

4.     Choose Columns – will allow users to add or remove columns appearing

5.     Item Number will be the POS assigned item number

      6.     POS SKU – will be the POS assigned SKU. It is not uncommon for the POS Item Number and POS Item number to be the same.

7.     POS Item will be the POS Description of the item

8.     Last Sold will be the most recent date & time the item sold

9.     Last Retail will display the retail price for the most recent sale

10.  Current Calculated Cost will display the total cost for the recipe

      11.  COGS Department – will be where users can map COGS departments to their POS items. When the items are sold, the cost will be reflected in that COGS account.

      12.  Recipe will be where users can attach a recipe

                13.  Recipe Count – will indicate how many of this recipe is attached to the corresponding POS Item. Typically, this will be 1, however there are instances that it could be more, or less. For example – if the                           POS item is for a double shot of alcohol, users could increase the recipe count to 2 for a recipe for a single shot, rather than creating a second recipe for a double shot.

    14.  Ingredient – these columns will allow users to view the ingredients and their quantities are in the recipe. If the recipe has multiple ingredients a column will populate for each ingredient.

    15.  Edit Recipe will open the recipe editor for the highlighted recipe

               16.  Ignore POS Items – this button will allow users to highlight and remove items from this that do not need to be mapped to recipes
               17.  Don’t Ignore POS Items unhide items that were previously ignored
               18.  Copy Recipe will allow users to copy the selected Recipe into Memory
              19.  Paste Recipe will allow users to insert a copied recipe

  20.  Insert Unsold POS Items – will allow users to view & map items that have not been sold in the POS. This feature does not work with every POS. Reach out to your Implementation guide, or Support to inquire about your point of sale.

   21.  Set COGS for X POS Items – will allow users to bulk update the COGS account assigned to the highlighted Recipe(s)

   22.  Reset COGS account – will remove the assigned COGS accounts for the highlighted item(s)

  1.    Search for or scroll to the POS item that needs to be mapped and select the three black dots in the recipe column to open the Recipe Lookup Screen
  1.   When the Recipe Lookup screen opens, filter to the appropriate recipe and either double click on the recipe to select it or highlight and choose Select Recipe X on the bottom right.

  1.  Once the recipe is selected users will see the recipe and ingredient columns populate.

Mapping COGS Accounts to POS Items

For locations taking advantage of the COGS module in Yellow Dog COGS accounts should be mapped to POS Items, so when those items sell, the sale is applied to the correct account.

  1.    From within Yellow Dog navigate to POS Item Map under Item Management

  1.   At the top of the screen select the three black dots to the right of Stores to select the Store you will be mapping to. Users can map to multiple stores at once if they share POS items. If your organization only has one location, it will be selected by default. Also confirm that the Show Recipe column box is checked, and optionally, but not required the Show Ingredient Columns box is checked. Having the Ingredient columns displaying will alleviate confusion where recipes have similar names.

Assigning a COGS account to a single POS Item

  1.  Search for or scroll to the item in question and select the three black dots in the COGS department column to see the lookup screen.

  1. When the lookup screen opens, double click on, or highlight and choose Select for the correct COGS department

  1. Users will note that the COGS account is now displaying in the COGS column        

Assigning COGS Accounts to multiple POS Item

  1.  Once the items are populated, users can either click on and drag to highlight a series of items, or they can click on a single item, hold CTRL on their keyboard and select only the items that need to be updated. Once the needed items are highlighted users can select Set COGS for X POS Items on the right.

  1.          The lookup screen will open. Users can double click on or highlight and choose Select in the bottom right.


  1.      Users will now note the COGS account update for the highlighted items. Note: if the incorrect items have been selected users can select Reset COGS for X Items to remove the assigned accounts.


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