What are Recipes?

What are Recipes?

This video will serve as an introduction to Recipes?

How to Create a Recipe

A recipe is a group of items that are combined to be sold as a single item in the Point of Sale. While there is only one kind of Recipe you can create, the same recipe can behave differently when attached to different inventory items and assigned different behaviors, e.g. the recipe for a club sandwich used in the restaurant and produced when ordered can also be used as a Production recipe for a grab-n-go option. For more information on Recipe behavior, see the section on the Create Kit/Recipe tab.

You can create different types of Recipes (e.g. Apps, Grab-n-Go, Batch, Buffet, etc.) by selecting Recipe Types under Common Setup. This can be useful in organizing your Recipes.


1. To create a new Recipe, navigate to Recipes and click Create New Recipe.

2. Give your new recipe a description, use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate recipe type, then click “Add Ingredient Items”.


3. From the Item Lookup screen, you can sort through and search for items in the same ways that are available on the Inventory Items screen. Once you have selected one or more items, click select and those items will be populated on the Recipe Editor screen.

*PLEASE NOTE: only items marked as usable in Recipes will be displayed. You can check whether or not an item can be used in Recipes by opening the Item Editor and navigating to the Other Details tab.*
4. You can also add recipes to another recipe. We often refer to this as “nested recipes”. For example, you can have a recipe for béchamel inside a recipe for macaroni and cheese. Click “add Ingredient Recipe” to do this. This works best if the ingredient recipe has a yield assigned to it.
5. On the Recipe Editor screen, you can change the quantities of the Ingredients in the Recipe. Always change the unit of measure (UOM) before the quantity. Your Extended Calculated Cost (the total cost of that Ingredient per Recipe) is generated automatically. You may also add notes to each Ingredient if you wish.

6. Additionally, a calculation at the bottom of the Editor can help you decide on a retail price through cost percentage if you are unsure of the Retail price of the Recipe. The cost percentage keeps the same percentage across all recipes.

7.On the Yield / Used By tab, you can link the Recipe directly to a POS item, and when that POS item is sold it will deduct that recipe’s ingredients from your inventory. This step is used in 1-way integrations. Skip to Step 9 if the item you are connecting the recipe to will be managed in Yellow Dog Inventory instead of in the POS. From this screen, you can fill in any Yields (particularly important when creating batch recipes, e.g. sauces, soups, etc.).


8. To attach the item to its POS item, click on the “Linked to POS Items” space and check all items you wish to attach to recipes.

9. You can also link the Recipe to a Kit Item; this is an item in your inventory that will be sold at the POS as any other item would be. To do this, create a new inventory item and in the Create Kit or Recipe tab of the Item Editor click on the ellipsis next to Kit/Recipe and select your recipe. For information on setting up the options for the recipe, see the Recipe tab under the Item Creation section of this manual.
10. On the Instructions tab, you can fill in any information applicable to that kit, and even import pictures for reference.

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