What are Manual Sales Entries?

What are Manual Sales Entries?

Manual Sales Entry

Manual Sales Entry allows you to create simple, basic sales transactions using your inventory items without going to your POS. This can be useful for offsite sales, like a food truck in the example below.


  1. Choose the Store you wish to adjust the items from.
  2. Click on the arrow of the next blank line; this will make all fields editable in that line.
  3. Search for items to adjust by clicking on the SKU ellipses.
  4. You can also change information such as Transaction Date, Retail, Discount, Reference and Ticket by selecting those fields.
  5. Enter in the quantities to adjust by using the + or – buttons or by manually entering in a number.
  6. Once you’ve reviewed the sale, click on the Green Arrow to commit the line your working on or you can use the button on the bottom right corner to “Commit All Open” sales.

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