In addition to the standard Label Queue, we now have a Scheduled Label Queue to make printing labels for Scheduled Retail Changes simpler and allow users to easily print them ahead of their scheduled change date.
Navigate to the new Scheduled Label Queue page via the left-hand menu, then use the Scheduled To date picker to add all items with Scheduled Retail Changes between now and the selected date.
In the grid, you can see the start date and description of the related Scheduled Retail, along with the Future Retail price.
Use the buttons on the right to set print count to the current on hand, or set it manually as needed.
To print labels from this queue that will display the Future Retail rather than the Current Retail:
Once you’ve printed labels for an item, the Printed By and Printed On columns will populate so that you will always know which labels have already been printed.
In v368 we introduced the Schedule Label Queue. In v369 we’ve added some additional enhancements to this feature.
The Scheduled Label Queue now has the following additional item information:
This fields can be made visible by navigating to the “Choose Columns” hyperlink and selecting the fields you’d like to see.
We have also added separate permissions for use of the Scheduled Label Queue. Now the ability to print Scheduled Labels are not directly tied to Scheduled Retail abilities.