Troubleshooting: What should I check if my Items are not ringing up at the POS?

Troubleshooting: What should I check if my Items are not ringing up at the POS?

This video will demonstrate some simple troubleshooting steps for items not being available at the Point of Sale 

There are a few things you can check if your item aren't ringing up at the point of sale, or if an update that has been made to an item that isn't appearing at the POS. 

  1. Confirm the item is active
  2. Confirm the item is available to the store in question
  3. Confirm the item is Set to publish in the interfaces tab of the item editor.
  4. Right click on the item from the main inventory items screen and select Trigger Item to Re-Sync to POS. This will flag the item to send updated item information to the POS at the next sync.
  5. Wait until after the next run of your sync and try ringing up item again.
  6. If after the completion of the next Sync of your POS the item is still unavailable at the POS please provide Yellow Dog Support with the Item SKU or UPC for fastest resolution. 


**If you do no have permissions to access any of these steps in Yellow Dog, please see your on-site admin**

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