Tips & Tricks: Does Yellow Dog offer remote end user training?

Tips & Tricks: Does Yellow Dog offer remote end user training?

Issue: Does Yellow Dog provide end user training to clients? 
Tip: Yes we do! Every client with a current support contract can schedule up to two hours a month. Trainings are scheduled in 30 minute sessions; users can schedule up to two back to back. Click Here to schedule a time and topic that work best for your team. Yellow Dog trainers use Teams meeting for all trainings, and these sessions are recorded and provided back to you. These recordings can be shared with any users unable to attend the training! 
Trick: Because these training sessions are short, we encourage your team to have Yellow Dog installed prior to beginning of training. Click Here to submit a ticket to support to get everything needed to install Yellow Dog on your computer. We also encourage users to have a Yellow Dog login ready and be in a quiet place ready to learn. 

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