Yellow Dog/Simpony2 w/Oracle Integration Overview

Yellow Dog/Simpony2 w/Oracle Integration Overview

This document will provide an overview of the Yellow Dog /Simphony 2Way integration 

Integration Approach

The Yellow Dog/Simphony integration is a 2Way integration
  1. Sales – pulled in from files provided by Oracle once per day 
  2. Codes – pulled from the Simphony API
  3. Items – pushed to the Simphony API 

Requirements for Items to Push to Simphony 

  1. The item must be active 
  2. The item must be available to the store 
  3. The item must not be POS Blocked - this can be checked in the interface codes as of sync view. From this view, users can also quickly identify that Publish is enabled, and that the item is available to the store in question.

  1. The item must be set to publish

  1. The item must have a Major Group set in interfaces
  2. The item must have a Family Group set in interfaces
  3. The item must have a Menu Item Class set in interfaces

Best Practices for Managing Items

Updates and edits to items should be made in Yellow Dog and allowed to push to Simphony. If updates are made directly in Simphony it will be overwritten by Yellow Dog the next time the integration runs.

What to check before calling support:

  1. Check that your items have all requirements set
  2. Confirm your scheduled sync time has passed, feel free to ask support when your sync times are or refer to the scheduled apps report in YD’s Standard Report section to review your sync times.
  3. Note any errors appearing at the POS when you try to scan. If your items are still not able to be rung up at the POS, these errors can help support identify the issue.


  1. Sales are only provided once per day
  2. Sales do not contain transaction specific details such as check closed or transaction numbers
  3. Before removing items from Simphony, users will need to turn the item to “No, push nothing” in the publish field to prevent errors in the sync
  4. This integration does not delete barcodes from Simphony, any barcodes deleted in YD will need to be removed in Simphony manually
  5. There is a 12 digit limit for all barcodes 

For additional information on the Yellow Dog/Simphony Integration visit

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