Tips & Tricks: What actions can I perform via Right-Click?

Tips & Tricks: What actions can I perform via Right-Click?

Within Yellow Dog there are several actions that can be performed via right-click. Some views have different options that are appropriate for that view. Views and Right-Click options are dictated by permissions, if you cannot see a view or right-click option when logged in you will need to see your on-site admin for additional permissions.

Classic View:

·         Create New Item: Will launch the Item Creation Wizard and will allow you to create a new item.

·         Edit Item: Will open the item editor of the item you have highlighted allowing you to edit the item.

·         Remove Item: Will allow you to remove the item if it has a 0 on hand.

·         Create Purchase Order: Will allow you to create a PO for the item highlighted assuming it is available to be purchased. 

·         Set Level: Will allow you update the level the item is assigned to.

·         Set Vendor: Will allow you to update vendor. (Will not allow you to add an additional vendor)

·     Set Dimensions: Will allow you to select an attribute for every dimension you have configured.

·         Set Evergreen Status: Will allow you to make an item Evergreen(an item that does not age).

·         Set Inactive:  Will allow you to make an item Inactive

·         Set Active: Will allow you to make an item active.

     Set Interface Codes: Will allow you to Accounting/Other interface codes

     Merge Items:  Will allow you to merge two items. This will only become available when you have multiple items highlighted. As a note: Merging items cannot be undone

·         Set Parent/Child Relationship:  Will allow you to set two items as parent/child when you have multiple items highlighted. You will be given the opportunity to select which item is the parent, and the item editor will open. Yellow Dog advises setting the Parent to Child Ratio immediately to ensure the items deduct correctly.

·         Swap Parent/Child Relationship: Will allow you to swap which item is the parent and which is the child when both items are highlighted. As a note: manual adjustments are almost always required after a swap to clean up on hands.

·         Break Parent/Child Relationship: Will allow you separate two related items that are both highlighted. As a note: The on hand will remain with the parent item after the break.

·         Set as Recipe Ingredient: Will allow this item to be set as an ingredient and can used in Kits/Recipes

·         Trigger Item to Re-Sync to POS:  Will flag the item to be pushed the next time the sync runs. As a note: This does not kick-off the sync. It simply put this item at the top of the list to be updated the next time the sync is kicked off.

·         Print Labels: Will let you print labels.

·         Adjust On Hand Quantity: Will take you to the Manual Adjustment Editor.

·         Create New Item Based on xyz…: Will allow you to create a new item based on the highlighted item. 

Item History Report for xyz…: Will generate an item history report for the item highlighted.

Flags View: 

Set Flags: · Will allow you to set an items Flag/location. As a note: this will allow you to set multiple flags to an item and is the only place they can be set via right-click

Recipe/Kit/Batch Items Only View:

Set Recipe Behavior·  Will allow you to update an items Recipe Behavior. As a note: This is the only place a recipe
behavior can be set via right-click.

Interfaces Codes as of Last Sync:

Change POS Description 1-2 to: Will allow you to update the naming structure for POS 1 or 2 for your highlighted item.
Set Interface Codes:  These options will change based on Point of Sale, but typically includes Tax, Categories, Etc. 

Web Items View:

Set Web Items Properties: Will allow you to update the Send to Web, New item, Last Change, and Taxable check boxes.

Interactive View:

  No Right Click Functions: This view allows you directly edit many fields without opening the item editor, and therefore has no Right-Click options. 

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