Removing Items with On-Hand Quantity (Decimal)

Removing Items with On-Hand Quantity (Decimal)

You might encounter difficulty removing specific inventory items due to an error indicating that the item cannot be removed since its on-hand quantity is not zero, possibly because the decimal point is not properly adjusted.

Changing the Decimal Places in Your Computer Settings

Step 1. Search your computer for “Set Regional Format.”

Step 2. Click Additional date, time, and regional settings

Step 3. Click Change date, time and number formats under Region.

Step 4. Click Additional Settings.

Step 5. Change the No. of digits after the decimal dropdown to 5 or more. Click Ok.

Step 6. Restart your Yellow Dog Inventory software.

Viewing and Removing Your “Zero” On-Hand Item

Step 1. Open the inventory item that had been showing a zero on-hand quantity. (You should be able to see the on-hand column with more numbers after the decimal.)
Before Changing Decimal Places:
After Changing Decimal Places:

Step 2. In the example shown, the Flora Shirt on-hand amount is showing as 0.0002. 

Step 3. If you try to remove the item, you will receive an error. Click Ok to close the error pop-up.

Step 4. While the Flora Shirt inventory item is selected, click Adjust On-Hand Quantity.

Step 5. In the Adjust column, click the – sign to adjust the number down.

Step 6. Once the fractional, decimal amount of the item has been adjusted, go back to the Inventory Items screen, and click Remove Item.

Step 7. Click Yes, Remove Item. The item will now be removed.

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