How do I create a Purchase Order Worksheet?

How do I create a Purchase Order Worksheet?

Purchase Order Worksheets are a tool that assist in generating POs for multiple stores on a single screen.

To create a new Purchase Order Worksheet, select the button “Add”:

In the pop up that appears, select the vendor your purchase orders will be for, the stores that you wish to create these orders for, and the buyer (employee) that will appear as the creator of the Purchase Orders:


A new Purchase Order Worksheet will open and users can edit the details and add items.  

Purchase Order Number:  This number is auto populated in Yellow Dog and can be changed by users who have access.

Description:  The description is auto populated in Yellow Dog and can be changed by users who have access.

Vendor:  Displays the vendor that is selected for the purchase orders.

Vendor Terms:  Displays the vendor terms for this vendor.  This field will appear blank if no terms are set for the vendor.

To Stores:  Displays the stores selected for the purchase orders.

Buyer:  Displays the user selected as the buyer for these documents.

Created By:  Displays the user logged in creating the PO Worksheet.

Start Ship Date:  A date can be selected here to indicate when this PO should ship.

Cancel Ship Date:  A date can be selected here for users to cancel the PO if the order has not been shipped by this set date.

Instructions:  Optional field available for users to enter in any instructions for this order.  This will appear on the POs created by this document.

Notes:   Optional field available for users to enter in any notes for this order.  This will appear on the POs created by this document.

Select Add to Add items to the Worksheet

Select from the Options- Items, Matrices, or Items from:

The item Lookup screen will open to display all available items from the selected vendor that can be added to this worksheet.  Use the filters and search features just as you would in other areas of Yellow Dog.  Once you have selected the items you wish to add to the worksheet, choose the SELECT button.

Once items have been added, use the Order Sheet tab to specify quantities to be ordered for each store in the gold editable fields.  Highlight each item to see and select your item quantities.

Use the On Hands and On Order tabs to view current on hands and quantities on order for each location to assist in the ordering process.



Once all items are added and the order is complete, select COMMIT PURCHASE ORDER WORKSHEET:

Once committed, a Purchase Order for each store on the worksheet will be created with the items and quantities selected on the worksheet.  Users from each store will be able to review and commit the Purchase Orders created.

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