Troubleshooting: How do I find out how much I rang as open retail?

Troubleshooting: How do I find out how much I rang as open retail?

Issue: Items were not available or not created in the point of sale, and so Open Retail was used to ring up these items. I now need a way to verify how much was sold as Open Retail. 

Resolution: A POS Only: All Sales captured report will pull in sales for all items sold, including items that are not in Yellow Dog. Using this report will not directly tell you what items were sold using Open Retail, but will tell you when the items were sold, and for how much. If your team has tracked or can deduce what items were sold, manual adjustments can be used to update on hands.  

  1. Navigate to Standard Reports>Sales>POS Only>All Sales Captured 

  1. Filter to the Store and Date in question and select Generate. 

  1. Once report is generated right-click in column header POS Item and select Apply Column Filter.

  1. Type Open Retail into the pop up and select OK. 

  1. See all your transactions rung as open retail. 

If  your team has tracked or knows what corresponding Yellow Dog items these transactions pertain to, then manual adjustments can be performed to correct on hands. 

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