New Feature! Count Sheet Enhancements
Users can now create Order Guides through the Count Sheet Module.
When an order guide is created users can check the box to ‘Exclude Count Sheet
from Mobile App’ which will prevent the order guide from being used as a count
sheet during inventory accidentally.
Once items have been added to the count sheet,
users will select one of the Order Guide print templates. This template will display
the Par and Re-order point for items, and users can print the order guide, take
a physical count of the items and quickly calculate how much is needed to bring
the item to par
Users have several options Fill to Par options when printing count
New Based On
Now when working with Count Sheets users can select
Create New Based on to create a copy for a different location. When this option
is selected, users will select the store they wish to copy the count sheet for,
and only the items available to that store will be included in the new Count

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