These hyperlinks appear in all over Yellow Dog and allow you to quickly navigate through Yellow Dog to add additional information for your items. Pictured below is an example of blue hyperlinks that allow users to quickly create new vendors or manufacturers or levels from the main inventory item screen, rather than navigating to the separate Vendor or Levels tabs Yellow Dog.
You can customize what columns you see in each view by clicking the blue hyperlinks to “Choose Columns”. Each view has different column options depending on the information associated with the view. The default options for most of the views are: On Order, Reference, Current Retail, Vendor Price, On Hand, Dimensions, Description, Short Description, SKU, Vendor SKU, Vendor, and Manufacturer & Level. Additional columns depend on the view you are currently using.
After you have generated a Standard Report you can use the blue hyperlink “Choose Columns, Sorting and Grouping” in the top right corner to further customize a report.
You can choose up to three columns to sort by, as well as add or remove the columns. Once you have the columns you want, you can click and drag to reorder them.