Resolution: Use the Items Locked report to determine which purchasing document(s) the item is on, and zero out the quantity to resolve the on-order quantity that is locking the item and allow it to be updated. Note: This task will require edit after commit permissions. If you do not have edit after commit permissions, you will need to see your onsite admin.
- Navigate to Standard reports>Troubleshooting>Items Locked
- Select Generate. Note: This report does not have filters and will return every item locked.
- Right Click in the column header SKU or Item Description and select Apply Column Filter
- Enter the SKU or description for the item in question into the pop up and select OK
- The item entered will return an entry for every purchasing document the item is on. Right Click column header Locked By and select Copy Selected Cell to copy the purchasing document number.
- Navigate to Purchase Orders in the Purchasing area of Yellow Dog and right click to Paste, or Control-V to paste the Purchasing document number copied from the items locked report into the search bar
- Double Click to open the Purchase Order, navigate to the item in question and update the qty to 0. Select Save & Close in the bottom right.
- If you are unable to update your item immediately, hit refresh data at the top of Yellow Dog and try updating again.