Tips & Tricks: How do I update interfaces?

Tips & Tricks: How do I update interfaces?

Interfaces are how Yellow Dog controls item behavior in the Point of Sale, and these settings are highly customizable. This article will provide some general guidance for updating these settings. For additional assistance regarding your point of sale or database configuration please reach out to support or your implementation guide. 

As a note these tasks will require permissions to view and edit interfaces, and if you do not have those permissions in Yellow Dog you will need to reach out to your onsite Admin for assistance. 

Anything set at the store level can be inherited down to the item and will be indicated with (inherited). Keep in mind however that these settings will be overwritten by those below them in the hierarchy. For example: if all items in a level should have the same settings, but a handful of items are outliers and should have a slightly different configuration they can be updated accordingly without moving the items into a their own level, or impacting the rest of the items in that level.  

The hierarchy of interfaces is: 

 By Store: 

  1. System Setup
  2. Interfaces

By Level:

  1. Common Setup
  2. Inventory Levels
  3. Double Click on the Dept/Cat/Sub Cat/Subsub Cat to open the editor
  4. Select the interfaces tab

By Item.

  1. Navigate to the inventory items screen (or whenever you can edit an item)
  2. Double click the item in question to open item editor
  3. Open Interfaces tab

Point of Sale Interfaces: 

These are typically created in the point of sale and come into Yellow Dog when the sync runs. Once the sync has completed you will find the any new interface options in the corresponding drop down.

As a note: if you have recently created new codes/interfaces in your POS and do not readily see them in Yellow Dog, please close the YD software and reopen. In some circumstances nightly maintenance will need to run before the drop downs will populate.


The publish setting is required for nearly all our Point of Sale integrations and is the that flag in the software that indicates items should be getting pushed to the Point of Sale. Very often items will not push to the Point of Sale without this being configured as 1 Yes-Push all, including removes. 

Non-POS interfaces: 

The Accounting/Other section of interfaces dictates item behaviors that will not impact your Point of Sale. This area of interfaces is where you will assign Inventory or GL codes, as well as Cost of Goods accounts.  Typically, these interfaces can be updated in the same way that any other interfaces can be, but as a note Reassign Sales & Auto Transfer can only be configured by your Implementation Guide or Support. 

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