How do I import a manual sales entry?
Navigate to Manual Sales within Item Management
- Select Import Records in the bottom right:

- Select the three black dots to the far right of Import File to select the sales file to be imported from your PC **As a note Yellow Dog recommends importing CSV files rather than Excel files, to avoid issues with formatting**

- Select the three black dots to the right of Import Stores to select which store these sales will be applied to

Configure the column headers- Right click in the column header and select the appropriate matching field as demonstrated below: **As a note: in addition to the Date/SKU/QTY & Retail columns, you also have the ability to import Discounts for items, and Reference field information if needed.

Take a moment to review your data, and once it is all configured correctly select import in the bottom right.

- When the sales have completed Select Close in the bottom right:

- Select Refresh Data at the top of your screen, and you will now see your manual sales appear:

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