- Navigate to Worksheets, select Transfer and Add
- Select Create New and choose Next
- The Transfer Wizard will pop up
- Description: The description/name of the document
- Extended Description: Space to additional information about these transfers
- Warehouse Store: The store that will serve as the warehouse, and be listed as the From Store in the transfers
- Transfer Store: The stores that will be receiving the product or the To Stores in the transfers
- Default Sorting: The ability to sort your items by SKU, Vendor, Description, Level, or the dimensions you have configured.
- Exclude Items where the Warehouse on-hand is zero or less: Will exclude items from being included that have zero or less on hand unless the worksheet is being created based on requests. Then all the items on the request will be pulled in regardless of the warehouse on hand.
- Save as Template: If these will be transfers that you perform regularly, then the configuration can be saved as a template for quicker setup in the future.
- Next: move the next portion of the Setup wizard.
- If you are creating these Transfers based on Requests, then highlight the appropriate Request(s) and choose Select this Record, if you are creating them ad hoc select Skip this Step.
- The Transfer editor will appear:
- Transfer Number: Transfer worksheet document number will auto generate
- Description: The description of the worksheet entered
- Status: Status indicating whether the worksheet as been committed or not.
- From Store: Store that was selected to serve as the warehouse
- To Store(s): Stores selected as the recipients
- Related Requests: If the worksheet was created based on requests, then those request document numbers will be listed here
- Sort By: Filters that allow you to sort the items in your worksheet by SKU, Vendor, Description, Level, or the dimensions you have configured.
- Hide: Will allow you to Hide items that have zero or less on hand, hide items that 0 qty in the Qty to Issue column or are above par already, and hide items that
- Rounding Method: If quantities requested are a non-whole number there are a number of rounding methods to choose from
- Add: Will pull up the item lookup screen to view items
- Remove Selected Items: Will allow you to remove highlighted items from the worksheet
- Item History: Will generate an item history report for the highlighted item
- Add Items from: Will allow items to be added from several other locations/documents in the software
- Commit Worksheet: Will finalize worksheet and prompt the creation and issue of the transfers for each store selected. There is a setting in System Setup>Options>Global that will allow you to dictate whether transfers should be automatically accepted at the time the Worksheet is committed.
- Fill Requests: Use this button to automatically populate the desired amount to the best of the warehouse’s ability in the Transfer & Qty To issue columns. The warehouse will not fill requests if the on-hand does not meet the requested quantity unless that item is a 'Production Transfer Item'. The amount to fill is determined by the Requested column multiplied by the Multiplier column.
- Set Multiplier: Will allow you to increase or decrease the qty to transfer without changing the requested amount. After setting the multiplier, using the Fill Requests button will update the quantities in the Qty to Issue column.
- Print Committed: Will allow you to print an itemized listed of the items transferred and their quantities.
- Once all items have been added, and transfer quantities updated, select Commit In the bottom of the worksheet. This will prompt the transfers to be issued and depending on system configuration they will also be accepted. The Print committed will also become available.
Tip: Transfer worksheets can also be created directly from the Requests Screen, if your organization primarily creates transfer worksheets based on Requests. Simply highlight the request(s) in question and select Create Transfer Worksheet.