How do I create an Item if I am a F&B customer?

How do I create an Item if I am a F&B customer?

This video will demonstrate how to create a video for F&B Customer

How to Create an Item in Yellow Dog Inventory for F&B Customers

From the Inventory Items screen select the button to “Create New Item”

Select the level and vendor for your new item

Enter in a description and a size for your item.  Assign your item to any stores that should have access to this item.

If you have any additional purchasing sizes, select the box to add an additional size and enter in the size, vendor price, and vendor SKU for that item.

Set the relationship between the different sizes.

Set the net volume or net weight for you item.

You can make additional child items from the child items tab, entering in all the child items information again making sure to set the relationship for this size to the parent.

If you are going to be using your child item in purchase orders check the box “Use in Purchase Orders” and enter your Vendor SKU and Vendor Price for that size.

When your item is complete, select save and close and your new F&B item has been created.

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