You can choose to print labels item by item or add them all to a label queue and print them all at once.
To print your items individually, you can highlight your item and select the button print label:
Select the store that you are printing labels for:
Select how many labels you would like to print:
Choose the size label you will be printing in the drop down print template box and select your label printer:
To add and print many items at one time use the label queue.
Navigate to the label queue and select the store that you are printing labels for. Add items to the label queue with the button ‘Add Items to Queue’ or “Add Items From’:
Choose the items that you wish to create labels for and select:
Enter in the quantity of labels you wish to print and print when ready using the ‘Print All Items” button or the ‘Print Selected Items’ button to print individual items:
Choose your label size and printer, select print:
When you have printed your labels from the queue you can remove the items from this print queue list by selecting the option “Yes Clear Items” or keep the items in queue for later printing by choosing “No Leave Items”: