How do I Issue and Accept Transfers?

How do I Issue and Accept Transfers?

This video will demonstrate how to Issue and Accept Transfers

Inventory Transfers

If you have two or more stores in Yellow Dog Inventory, you will be able to transfer stock from one store to another.



Important: In order for items to be transferred from Store A to Store B, they must be Available in both stores.

  • Convert an Invoice, Receipt or Request into a Transfer or create a new Transfer from the Transfers section.
  • Choose the store to transfer items FROM and click Select in the bottom right corner.
  • Choose the store to transfer items TO and click Select in the bottom right corner.
  • Adjust the Need By and Expected Date as necessary.
  • Select the items you wish to transfer.
  • Adjust quantities as necessary, and then click Issue Inventory Transfer.
  • If you have access to the store receiving the transfer, you will then be prompted to accept the Inventory Transfer.
  • By default, the items leave the FROM store and are in “limbo” until accepted in the TO store, appearing in neither stores’ on hands. Please let your implementation guide know if you would prefer inventory to stay in the FROM store until its accepted.

Negative on Hand Transfers

There is also a permission that when enabled will prohibit transfers to be made from items that will result in a zero or negative on hand in the From Store. If a transfer between two stores is created in the system, only items with a positive on hand in the FROM store will be available to transfer.

If an item without a positive on hand is added to a transfer, a pop up window will appear alerting the user that the item has failed to be added due to the amount on hand in the FROM store. The item will not pull into the Transfer editor at all. It will remain unable to be added until more is received in the FROM store.

Transfer Block

Users may want to block certain sizes of items from being transferrable. This can be done by navigating to the Other Details tab of the size of the item you want blocked.


 By checking the box to block the item, it will not appear in the list of transferrable goods even if both stores have access to the product.


When Accepting Transfers, the Accepted quantity can now be set lower than the Issued quantity to account for Shortage.


This is useful for cases in which product was damaged during the transfer.

Any shortage quantities will still be reduced in the FROM store and the cost adjustment will be set to the new Shortage account in Inventory Accounts for the FROM store. 

Note: For instances in which product wasn’t sent at all, best practice is to accept the transfer as is and perform a reverse transfer for any goods that should not be in your inventory.

Reverse Transfers

Reverse Transfers allow quick creation of Transfers that will contain the same items as another transfer but need the To and From stores swapped. This is useful when returning product that was borrowed or to adjust inventory for product that was never received in the initial transfer.

  • Simply find the transfer you want to create the reversal for and click the Create new Reverse Transfer… button.
  • Notice that the To and From stores have been swapped.
  • You can keep the copied quantities or make any changes needed. You can also include additional items that need to be transferred.
  • Once you’ve completed any edits, Issue the transfer.

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