How do I create Inventory Accounts(GL Codes) and assign them to items?

How do I create Inventory Accounts(GL Codes) and assign them to items?

Creating inventory accounts and assigning them to items: **You will need permissions to access System Setup & Interfaces for this task. **


1.    Navigate to Accounts under System Setup and select Inventory Accounts:


  2. Select Create new Accounting Code Group on the Right

  3. Enter a Description for the Accounting Code Group: i.e. Retail Items/Food/Alcohol/Cleaning Supplies etc. You will also enter the corresponding Account Code for each location.  (These account codes will come from your accountant, or your accounting software.)

   4. After Account Codes have been added select Save & Close

  5. You will now see your new Accounting Code Group listed with any other Inventory Accounts you may have 

  Assigning your Inventory (GL) Accounts to Items.

There are three ways that accounts can be assigned: 

1. Globally: This ensures that every item assigned to a store inherits an Inventory Account. These settings are located under System Setup. Yellow Dog advises setting interfaces at the Global level whenever possible. This will help ensure that no items are missing an Inventory Account, as well as being a faster way of updating items rather than opening each item individually

2.       Inventory Level: This ensures that every item in that department/category inherits that inventory account. These settings are located under Common Setup (Double click the level in question to open the level editor)

3.   Inventory Item: Inventory accounts can be set at the item or individual level for items that are outliers or should not inherit the inventory accounts of the other items in that department/category. Like setting the inventory accounts Globally or at the Level, you will navigate to the item in question in your inventory items screen. Double Click on the item in question to open the item editor and navigate to the Interfaces Tab to update or assign an Inventory Account. 

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