How do I create an Invoice?

How do I create an Invoice?

This video will demonstrate how to create an Invoice

Invoice Records

Invoices are usually received after or accompanying your products’ delivery. Invoices will contain your freight, handling, discounts, etc.


Convert a Receipt or Purchase Order into an Invoice from the Receipt or Purchase Order screen or create a new Invoice from the Invoices section.

  • If creating new, you’ll need to bring in the line items to your invoice and adjust the quantities you received. You may also need to adjust the vendor price.
  • When changing a price, a YD wizard will populate, asking if the vendor price change should be a permanent change or only done for this invoice. In most instances, you will likely use the Permanent Change option. You can also choose an option that will be applied to the remainder of all price changes in the invoice you are working on to avoid having to select during each line item’s price change. You can also hit cancel if you’ve made an incorrect change and the item’s price will revert back to what it was before.
  • Add your expense charges. We can add as many expenses for invoices as you need. This example has Credits and Discounts, but we can also add Tax. Freight and Other are the defaults.
  • All expense fields will also support math if needed. You can change these expense fields or add more by navigating to System Setup / Accounts / Invoice Expense Accounts.
  • You can also distribute the expense charges to the cost of the items either by Item Cost or Item Quantity, and either by All Items or by Departments, or you can choose to keep them as a separate expense.
  • When all edits are complete, enter the Total amount into the Invoice Amount field to activate the Commit Invoice Record button.
  • If Yellow Dog Inventory rounding is causing issues with your invoice total, use one of your expense fields to make the correction. Or you can update your Windows Regional settings to show more decimal places.
  • You also have the option of setting the Commit Date prior to committing your invoice. This is useful if you need to back date when the product was received. Keep in mind, this commit date will respect the closeout date setup for the store and database and will not allow anything to adjust prior to that date.

Default Expense Distribution

If you use the same distribution for certain expenses, you can have those be automatically populated by setting up the default distribution. Navigate to System Setup \ Accounts \ Invoice Expense Account. Use the drop down to determine the distribution method for each expense.



You will still be able to adjust the distribution method within the invoice for any one off needs.

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