How do I create an Inventory Request?

How do I create an Inventory Request?

This video will demonstrate how to create an Inventory Request

Inventory Requests

Inventory Requests are most commonly utilized by users that do not have permission to create Purchase Orders. However, this is not always the case and they can be used by anyone to suggest or request items to be purchased. Most large operations with purchasing departments use Requests to start the transfer of products to outlets. Requests are store, but not vendor, specific.


·         Navigate to Inventory Requests in the Purchasing section and click Create New Request.

·         If you have access to more than one store, you will need to select the appropriate store.

·         If necessary, fill out the “Need By” date.

·         Next, add items to your Request.

·         Once you have selected your Request items, you can adjust the quantity, add notes, add an item reference, or adjust the cost of the item.

·         When all edits are complete, click Commit Inventory Request to complete the request process.

 Some Third Party Catering integrations will populate orders as Requests in Yellow Dog. Users have the ability to mark these Orders as “Completed” or “Canceled” when fulfilled or canceled. 


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