This video will demonstrate how to create a receipt
When items arrive at your location, you may need to create a Receipt to receive them into the system. Receipts are typically used for product that is shipped with a packing slip but has an invoice that arrives separately. If you have an invoice for the product on delivery, depending on your internal procedures, you may be able to skip Receipts and go straight to an Invoice.
Once a Receipt is committed, the received item quantities will be added to the previous on-hand totals.
Convert a Purchase Order into a Receipt from the Purchase Order screen or create a new Receipt from the Receipts section. Again, use the Ctrl+click function to convert multiple documents at once.
From the new/converted Receipt you can add items that may have come in that weren’t on the PO, remove items that didn’t come in, adjust any quantities you didn’t receive, etc.
After all edits are made, click Commit Receipt to finish the Receipt process.Keep in mind: once you commit the receipt, the items will be added to your current on-hand counts.
If items have been set to print labels when receiving, you will be prompted to print labels for the quantity of items you have received.
If you have pre-allocated items to be transferred to other stores when received, you will be prompted to transfer the items. If you select “Yes, Transfer Now”, the Inventory Transfer screen will open. Click Issue Inventory Transfer.If you have access to the store receiving the transfer, you will then be prompted to accept the Inventory Transfer.