How to create a Full Physical Inventory

How to create a Full Physical Inventory

This document will review the full physical process – from creating and committing to reading the Detailed Physical Inventory Report.

Creating a Physical Inventory

          1.     From within Yellow Dog select Physical Inventories under Physical Inventory

   2.  Select Create New Physical Inventory on the right

 3.  Highlight the store the Physical is being performed in and choose Select in the bottom right

 4. Confirm that ‘Add active items for store X, filtered by vendor or level(recommended’) is checked and select Next in the bottom right

5. The Add Items From screen will allow users to confirm that all Vendors & Levels are selected, and that the ‘Skip Items with zero on hand’ checkbox is unchecked. Including all levels, vendors, and items with zero on hand in the Physical will ensure that all items available to the store being counted are included. This also means that any items that may have been overlooked during the counting process have an opportunity to have their on hand updated. Once these fields have been confirmed select Next in the bottom right.

6.  The next window that opens will be a preview of the items that will be included in the physical. If there are problem items, there will be a line under the Source letting users know. Items are flagged as a problem because they are missing pertinent information i.e., Vendor or SKU. If there are problem items users should select Remove Problem Items, to allow the remaining items to be added. Yellow Dog recommends noting what the problem items are, and the reason they are flagged as a problem before removing- this will not remove the items from Yellow Dog but will remove them from this physical. Once the items have been corrected, they can be added back to the Physical. Users will also have the option to highlight and Remove any items that should be excluded from the physical. Once items have been reviewed, and only the necessary items are listed, choose Select All X in the bottom

7.  The Import Counts From Screen will allow users to add counts to a Physical at the time they are generating the Physical if they have completed their counts. If you users have not completed their counts yet, they can choose Skip. When you are ready to pull in counts, you can skip to Adding Counts.

8. The Physical Inventory Editor will open, with all previously selected items included
                                                                                                                  Physical Inventory Editor Overview

         1.     Store – will be the location the Physical is being performed in

              2.     Physical Inventory Number – will be the number assigned to the Physical. By default, Yellow Dog will generate a number however, this can be edited with the appropriate permissions

             3.     This is Physical is a Cycle Count – will be where users can indicate that this is a cycle count. Checking this box will not update the locations Close Out date.

            4.     Description – will be the description is added. By default, the month & year the Physical is created in will populate however, this can be edited with the appropriate permissions.

            5.     Status – will display the status of the physical. If the Physical has been committed, the user logged in when commit was selected as well as the date and time they committed will be displayed.

            6.     Effective Date/Time – will be the effective date and time the physical will be applied to your system. This is typically the time that counting was completed.

            7.     Sort By – will allow users to sort their physical from several options, including – SKU, description, reference, count sheet order, or variance.

            8.     Show only Items with no counts/with Variances – will allow users to only see items that have no counts entered, or items that have variances. These filters can be used in conjunction with the Print               Worksheet function -when one of these options is selected, only the listed items will print on the worksheet.

            9.     Flag – will allow users to filter to see items assigned to specific flags. Uses also have the option to hide flag columns, by checking the box ‘Hide All Flag Columns’

          10.  Add Items – will open the Item Look Up screen and allow users to include items that may have been omitted when the physical was initially created. Note: If there were problem items when items were initially added that were corrected – Add Items is how those items could be added back to the Physical.

          11.  Add Items From – will open the add items wizard allowing users to add items from various areas of the software i.e., a csv file, based on Par level, or a purchasing document.

          12.  Import Counts From – will be where users can pull in counts to their physical after it has been created.

          13.  Remove Item – will be where users can remove an item(s) from their Physical if needed

          14.  Edit Item – will be where users can access the item editor for an item directly form the Physical.

         15.  Item History Report – will be where users can access the item history report of an item. Note: The item history report will only display data for the store selected in the Physical Inventory Editor

         16.  Add/Rename/Remove Column – will be where users can add/edit/remove a custom column that can used to add counts.

         17.  Update Totals – will be where users can fresh the item data appearing in the Physical Inventory Editor. This feature is useful if users have backdated any adjustments and want to see those changes reflected in the editor.

      18.  Save/Save & Close – will be where users can save their work.

      19.  Print Worksheet – will be where users can print worksheets of items that need to be recounted.

      20.  Reports – will be where users can access Physical Inventory Reporting. The reports available update after the Physical is committed. Physical Inventory reports are also accessible in the Physical Inventory folder of standard reports.

a.     Pre-Commit

                                          i.    Resulting On Hand

                                         ii.    Item History Report

b.    Post Commit

                                          i.    Detailed

                                         ii.    Variances Report

                                        iii.    Item History Report 

      21.  Commit – will be where users finalize their Physical. Once a Physical is committed the quantity in the Total Counted column will become the on-hand value for your items. 

Adding Counts to a Physical Inventory

If you are adding counts at the time the Physical Inventory editor is being generated skip ahead to Step 2 of From a session, or step 2 of From a CSV file.

From a Session

1. From within the Physical Inventory Editor select Import Counts From on the right

2. Select Add counts from a Session and choose Next on the Bottom

3. The next screen will list all active sessions created for the store the Physical Inventory is being created for. Check all sessions needed for the Physical being worked on. Once all sessions are checked, choose Next in the bottom. Note: There is no limit to the number of sessions that can be brought into a Physical

4.   The next window that opens will be a preview of the items that are included in the Session. If there are problem items, there will be a line under the Source letting users know. Items are flagged as a problem because they are missing pertinent information i.e., Vendor or SKU. If there are problem items users should select Remove Problem Items, to allow the remaining items to be added. Yellow Dog recommends noting what the problem items are, and the reason they are flagged as a problem before removing- this will not remove the items from Yellow Dog but will remove them from this Physical. Once the items have been corrected, they can be added back to the Physical and the count can be manually entered. Users will also have the option to highlight and Remove any items that should be excluded from the physical. Once items have been reviewed, and only the necessary items are listed, choose Select All X in the bottom.

     5. Users will now see an additional column added to their physical representing their session. The column name will be the session name and will contain the item counts. The counts can be edited at this time if needed. 

From a CSV File

1. From within the Physical Inventory Editor select Import Counts From on the right

2. Select Add counts from an Excel, CSV, or Text File and choose Next on the Bottom

3. In the next window users will match the columns in their file to fields in Yellow Dog. Users will select their file in the Import File field using the three black dots to the right of the field, check the Data has a header row with column descriptions box if their file has column headers and confirm the header row in the Header Row drop down. Note:  SKU/UPC and quantity are the only required columns. Once columns have been matched, select Next in the bottom right

4.  The next window that opens will be a preview of the items that are included in the file. If there are problem items, there will be a line under the Source letting users know. Items are flagged as a problem because they are missing pertinent information i.e., Vendor or SKU. If there are problem items users should select Remove Problem Items, to allow the remaining items to be added. Yellow Dog recommends noting what the problem items are, and the reason they are flagged as a problem before removing- this will not remove the items from Yellow Dog but will remove them from this Physical. Once the items have been corrected, they can be added back to the Physical and the count can be manually entered. Users will also have the option to highlight and Remove any items that should be excluded from the physical. Once items have been reviewed, and only the necessary items are listed, choose Select All X in the bottom

5.  Users will now see an additional column added to their physical representing the file they just added. The column name will be the file name and will contain the item counts. The counts can be edited at this time if needed

Reviewing prior to committing

There are several tools that can be used to review your Physical prior to committing to ensure on hands are accurate.


Sort By – the sort by drop down has the option to sort items by variance quantity and cost ascending or descending. Selecting the Descending option will list all your items with the highest variance quantity or cost at the top of your list

Show Only – the Show only items with No Counts & only with variances check boxes will filter to display items that have no counts entered, or items that do have variances. These check boxes can be used in conjunction with the Print Worksheet feature to easily print recount sheets for the team

Print Worksheet – the Print Worksheet function will allow users to easily print recount sheets. This feature will only print the items that have been filtered to in the Physical Inventory editor

Item History Report – this is one of many places the item history report is located in the software and will provide detail on when the item was purchased, received/invoiced, manually adjusted, sold, or included in other Physical Inventories. This tool should be utilized when looking into where an items variance stems from. It’s not uncommon for items with a negative variance to be missing purchasing, and items with positive variances to be missing sales.

To generate and Item History Report highlight the item in question and select Item History Report on the right.    

Setting Effective Date & Time

The effective date and time will be the time that the counts will be applied to your system and should generally be the time that you completed your counts. Note: Yellow Dog recommends counting when you are not open whenever possible.

Committing your Physical

Once counts have been completed and reviewed to confirm accuracy and the Effect date & time set the Physical can be committed. When a Physical is committed the values in the total counted column will become the on-hand values for your items as of the selected Effective Date & Time. Note: Any items that do not have counts entered will have their on hands up dated to 0.

Detailed Physical Inventory Report

The Detailed Physical Inventory Report can be generating from within the Committed Physical, or from the Standard Reports.

Generating the Report

      1.     From within Yellow Dog navigate to Standard Reports under Reports

      2.   Within the Physical Inventory folder select Detailed (select by Physical Inventory)

3. Select filters – all stores, levels, and vendors will be included by default, but specific stores, levels, or vendors can be filtered to if needed. Users can also filter to specific Physical Inventory(ies). There are optional filters to hide committed physicals so that only data from uncommitted physicals will be included, to show only items with no counts or show only items with variances, or to show data from Physicals that are uncommitted. Note: If users would like to see data from a specific committed Physical, they can just select a Physical in the Physical filter. Once filters are filled in select Generate in the bottom right

Reading the Report

      The detailed Physical Inventory report will provide detailed information on what items were included in the Physical, how much was counted, the variance quantity and cost and the items calculated cost

      1.     Display of all filters selected for this report, and will be included if the report is printed/exported

      2.     Change Columns, Sorting & Grouping – This hyperlink will allow users to add or remove columns to the report, as well as where users can select sort by or group by options.

      3.     Physical Unique SKUs – will be the number of unique items included in the Physical

      4.     Store Code – will be the number code assigned to the store in Yellow Dog

      5.     Store Name – will be the name of the store the Physical was performed in

      6.     Level Codes – will be the number codes assigned to the level the item is in

      7.  Department – will be the department the item belongs to. Department is the highest tier of the level tree

      8.     Primary Vendor – if the item has multiple vendors, this will be the first vendor listed

      9.     SKU – will be the Yellow Dog identifier assigned to the item

      10.  Item – will be the items description

      11.  Size – will the dimension 1, or size assigned to the item.

      12.  COGS – if the item has a COGS account assigned, it will populate here

      13.  Previous on hand – will be the on hand for the item one second before the effective date & time

      14.  Item Counted Quantity – will be the amount of the item that was counted

      15.  Variance Quantity – will be the difference between what you counted, and what Yellow Dog expected to be counted.

      16.  New On Hand – will be the on-hand value as of the effective date & time of the Physical

      17.  Total Counted Quantity – will be the total amount counted of the item, and any related items

      18.  Related Counted Quantity – will be the total amount counted of any related items, and will not include the counts for the item itself

      19.  Previous Item Calculated Cost – will be the cost of the item as of one second before the effective date & time

      20.  Counted Cost – will be the cost applied to the Physical times the amount counted

      21.  Variance Cost – will be the cost applied to the Physical times the variance quantity

      22.  New On Hand Cost – will be the cost applied the Physical times the counted quantity

      23.  Item Calculated Cost – will be the calculated cost of the item as of the effective date & time of the Physical.

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