How do I create a Count Sheet?

How do I create a Count Sheet?

This video will demonstrate creating a Count Sheet            

Count Sheets were designed to help F&B users who are manually counting their inventory.  These sheets can be made to mirror the lay out of your establishment, and we refer to this as "Sheet to Shelf". This layout is more beneficial for F&B users, because it is less common for their inventory items to have scannable barcodes in the way they Retail inventory typically does. 

Creating a New Count Sheet

      1.     From within Yellow Dog navigate to Count Sheets under Physical Inventories

      2. Select Create New Count Sheet on the right

3.   Highlight the store the Count Sheet is being created for and choose Select in the bottom.

1.     The Count Sheet Editor will open, and users will be able to add items.

Count Sheet Editor Overview

      1.     Description – this will be where a description is assigned to the count sheet and is a required field.

      2.     Store - will be the store the Count Sheet was created for. Note: Count sheets are store specific

      3.     Include – will provide users several options of what items to include on the count sheet.

    1. Include ALL items in the store – this will bring every item into your count sheet. This is not the recommended option as your Count Sheet will typically be very long and hard to organize.
    2. Include all items in the store that do NOT belong to any locations – This is useful as a catch all if using flags/locations. This count sheet will make sure any item you haven’t assigned to a flag will appear in a list to ensure nothing is missed in counting.
    3. Include all items in the store that are NOT on any other count sheet – Similar to the option above, this option will ensure any items you have not assigned to another count sheet will be grouped here to make sure no items are missed in counting.

      4.     Search – is a search bar to allow users to look up items in the count sheet

      5.     Exclude from Mobile App – will prevent this count sheet from being accessed on the Yellow Dog mobile apps.

      6.     Add Item – will open the item look up screen and allow users to filter specific items and add them to the count sheet

      7.     View Item – will open the item editor for the selected item

      8.     Remove Item – will remove the highlighted from the Count Sheet

      9.     Arrows – will allow users to move items around in the count sheet if they would like them to appear in a specific order.

      10.  Add Items From – will allow users to add items from various other areas of the software or to bring items in from a CSV, Text, or Excel file.

      11.  Add Flags – will include all items assigned to that flag in the count sheet and moving forward any items assigned to that flag will be added automatically. Multiple Flags can be added to a count sheet. Note: When a flag is added to a Count Sheet only a line representing the flag will appear in the count sheet editor, but all items will be visible in the print preview, and on the printed count sheet.

      12.  Add Levels – similar to Add Flags, this feature will include all items assigned to that level and moving forward all items assigned that level will be added automatically. Multiple Levels can be added to a count sheet. Note: When a level is added to a Count Sheet only a line representing the level will appear in the count sheet editor, but all items will be visible in the print preview, and on the printed count sheet.

      13.  Save/Save & Close – will allow users to save their work on the count sheet

14.  Print – Yellow Dog has several count sheet print templates to choose from that allow users to have items appear in they are listed on the count sheet, grouped, or sorted by flag, or grouped, or sorted by level. 

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