1. Locate and Open the Purchasing document
2. Change the quantities in the document to 0 for all products.
*If this is an invoice, change the total invoice amount and expenses to $0.00.
3. Save and Close.
4.If the status of the document was open, Select "Remove Purchase Order"
*Please note, that you cannot remove or edit a purchasing document if it has already been converted. You will need to complete the steps above and remove both purchasing documents.
If the document was committed prior to these changes, the status of the Purchasing document will now be "Rescinded". The on hand and cost adjustments will no longer impact your inventory.
If the document was still Open, the status of the Purchasing document will now be "Empty" or "Removed".
If you are unable to make the changes listed above, you will need to request that your Yellow Dog Inventory user account be modified so you can "Edit after Committed". This request should be made to your internal Yellow Dog User Admin.