Downloading & Installing Drivers for the TSC TDP-225 Label Printer

Downloading & Installing Drivers for the TSC TDP-225 Label Printer

This document will review downloading & installing the TCP Direct Thermal Label Printer on a PC


      1.       Click Here to navigate to the TSC site - in the search enter TDP-225 and click the blue arrow to search

2.   With the Downloads tab selected – navigate to the Driver section and expand to see drivers for various Operating Systems

3. Select Download for the Windows Driver

 4. Once the download is complete navigate to Downloads within File Explorer

a.       Tip – click on the windows start menu, and typing file explorer will allow to navigate directly to the application

      b.     From within download double click to open the zipped file containing the driver

5. From within the zipped file double click to launch the TSC executable to begin the install process

6. The license agreement will open – selecting I accept will enable the option to choose Next

7. The next window that opens will allow users to confirm or update the location the drivers will be installed. The default location is the desktop, and users can select Browse to choose and alternate install location. Once the install location has been confirmed select Next

8. The next window that opens will allow users to confirm if they would like the Install Instructions to load, and if they would like to run the Driver Wizard once installation in complete. Yellow Dog recommends running Driver wizard – the instructions are optional. Once the additional options are confirmed select Finish in the bottom right.

9. A window will open that will display the status of extracting the file for the driver.

10.    The Next window will ask users to confirm that they want to allow the driver to make changes to their device – select Yes

11.     The next window will allow users to confirm if they are installing the drivers or removing them. Once the selection has been made – choose Next in the bottom right.

12.  Plug the printer in if it isn’t already – the next window will allow you to confirm how the Printer will be connected to the PC – for this model select USB and either Choose Next – or the wizard will automatically move to the next step when the device is detected

13. In the next window users will confirm the device drivers are being installed for – the TSC TDP-225 and select Next

14. If users have multiple printers, the next screen will allow users to assign update the display name of the printer. If they do not, or would prefer the default no update is required, and select Next in the bottom right

15.  The next window will confirm that configuration options selected in the previous steps. To begin the driver installation, select Finish


16.  A window with a status bar displaying the install progress will appear. The installation should only take 1 minute or so

17.  The next, and final window will appear confirming that the Driver has been successfully updated – Select Close

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