How do I create an item if I am a retail customer?

How do I create an item if I am a retail customer?


Creating a new item for Retail: 

  1. Once logged into Yellow Dog navigate to Create New Item 

  1. Select the Level and Vendor for the item you are creating, and the SKU will be automatically generated.(If the level or vendor do not exist already choose the Blue Hyperlink for either to add that level or vendor) and select OK. 

  1. The item editor will open fill in: 
  1. Item description (256 max character length)
  2. Short description can be used if shorter description is needed (optional field)
  3. Style Number: If the item has one it can be entered here (optional field)
  4. Reference field can used as another identifier (optional field)
  5. POS description will populate based on what is in the Decrepitation field, and can be changed by selecting the three black to the right of the box ( this will be what pushes to your Point of Sale and how the item will appear on your purchasing documents 
  6. As of version 364 Dimension1(Size) is no longer required for retail customers.  As of version 370 you can add up to 20 dimensions or identify attributes to your items. 
  7. Level identifier is where the level of an item can be updated 
  8. Vendor price is a mandatory and will be the price you paid for the item
  9. Mark Up and Margin calculator will assist with determining your retail price
  10. Current retail price that you will sale the item for. 
  11. MSRP can be affiliated with an item if you have it (optional field)
  12. Vendor identifier is where the vendor of item can be updated
  13. Vendor SKU is the identifier from the vendor (optional field)
  14. Manufacturer drop down allows you to add manufacturer (optional field) 
  15. Manufacturer SKU can also be added (optional field)
  16. UPC fields are where barcodes can be stored. If additional UPC fields are needed navigate to the additional UPC tab. (optional field)
  17. Par & Re-Order point can be filled in for purchasing

This covers all of the fields needed when creating an item. Below is a breakdown of the additional tabs in the item editor: 

  • Will indicate what store(s) the item is available to that you have access to, the retail price for each store, the most recent cost at each store, Par/Re-order Point per store, and on hand, on order quantities per store. 

Add Child Item: 

Other Details:

  1. This is where an item can be made inactive
  2. Made to be a No Count Item
  3. Items can be prevented from being pulled into Physicals or Purchasing documents
  4. Shipping dimensions can be added if the item is being sold in a webstore

Create Kit or Recipe: 

  • If your item is apart of a kit or recipe like a Gift Basket this is where those items would be linked. 


  • If your item can be purchased from multiple vendors, this is where those vendors can be added with their own vendor prices and Vendor SKUs

Retail Price Changes: 

  • If your item is going to be discounted for a period of time, this is where that price change would be set up. 

Additional UPCs

  • If your item has more than 3 UPCs this is where they can be added. 

Label Queue: 

  • If you need to print labels for your item, they can be added to the queue here.


  • If you would like to store pictures for this item that can be done here. 


  • These settings impact how your item talks to your Point of Sale. For more information on Interface settings please reach out to Support or your Implementation Guide. 

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