Tips & Tricks: How can I confirm that I have included all items in my Physical?

Tips & Tricks: How can I confirm that I have included all items in my Physical?

Issue: I want to confirm that I have included all my active items in my Physical Inventory

Resolution: Compare the number of items included in your Physical to the number of active items in your store.

*Note: Users will need access to System Setup and Stores to perform this task*

  1.       Navigate to Physical Inventories, locate the Physical in question and note the quantity in the SKUs column

    2.       Navigate to System Setup >Stores and compare the quantity in the Active SKUs column to the SKUs column from Physical inventories

   Why would there be discrepancy?

There are several reasons there could be a discrepancy between how many items are in your physical and how many are listed as being active in your store.

  1. The physical in question is a Cycle Count- in this case it would be expected that there are less items because only one level, or vendor would have been counted.
  2.  Only items that with on hands were included in the physical. This would be expected for locations that have large seasonal inventories with many items that frequently have 0 on hand.
  3. Not all active items were brought into the physical – this can occur when physicals are created. Click Here for a step by step guide to creating a physical and including all active items. 

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