The following is a list of rules that can be used to calculate an item's weighted average cost:
An item's weighted average cost is reset every time the item reaches zero on hand.For the most part an item's weighted average cost is determined by its receiving history. Receiving and Invoicing directly affect calculated cost.Positive manual adjustments affect it. Transfers from another store affect it. When quantity is transferred from one store to another, its calculated cost is transferred with it.Sales and Physical Inventories do not affect weighted average cost directly.If the item has no history the Default Vendor Price is used.
If an item has an incorrect calculated cost one of the following will allow you to fix it:
Run ydiMaintenance.exe on the Yellow Dog Inventory application server to re-check cached costs. Because cost-calculation is slow, YDI pre-calculates costs for reporting purposes. Sometimes various adjustments made retro-actively (a physical inventory commit, for instance) can cause calculated costs to change, but the cache still has old values. You may need to run ydiMaintenance.exe multiple times. Each time ydiMaintenance runs it randomly checks a subset of recent costs to ensure that they are still correct.
Find and fix the Receipt(s) the item is in. Unless locked by employee rights or Invoicing a receipt can be edited after it is received. The Vendor Price on a receipt directly influences the item's weighted average cost.
Perform 2 manual adjustments. From the Inventory Items list find the item and click Adjust On Hand Quantity. Set the quantity to zero. After submitting, click Adjust On Hand Quantity again. This time set the Quantity to its original quantity, but also set its Item Cost to the correct cost. This will effectively reset the weighted average cost for that item going forward.
If the item has no history simply change its Vendor Price.
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